NRW-USA Year - eeden


Our visit at the German Embassy, Washington, D.C.


eeden was invited to the German Embassy in Washington, D.C., offering a glimpse into the realm of textile upcycling amidst the ongoing NRW-USA Year. This initiative underscores the strong and evolving technological landscape within North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and eeden’s role within it, while also nudging towards broader, sustainable trajectories for the future.

A Multifaceted Interplay of Relations

The NRW-USA Year encompasses a variety of events and engagements, each formulated to enhance and materialize the diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties between the USA and NRW. These gatherings are not mere ceremonial occurrences but act as vehicles, propelling forward a shared vision towards an interconnected future.

eeden, having been identified as a notable entity within NRW’s deep-tech domain, took part in this narrative, showcasing its technological innovations and exchanging ideas on a platform where every dialogue is a step towards shaping the future.

Embarking on a Circular Economic Model

During the event, dialogue with key stakeholders presented an opportunity to delve deeper into the possibilities and challenges of converting the textile system into a viable circular economy. Discussions with designers, recyclers, political think tanks, sustainability advocates, and investors presented diverse perspectives and unfolded avenues for future collaborations and innovations in the textile sector.

Navigating Towards Global Cooperation

For eeden, this was not merely an event but an avenue to foster new connections within the American sector, opening doors to potential partnerships and providing an opportunity for in-person interactions with investors on-site. While the event was finite, the dialogue and connections established could have a lingering impact on future initiatives and collaborations.


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