TW Sustainability Summit 2023 - eeden
TW Sustainability Summit 2023

TW Sustainability Summit 2023

Founder Reiner Mantsch was a keynote speaker on the topic of a holistic circular economy

eeden at TextilWirtschaft's Sustainability Summit 2023

What does a holistic circular textile economy look like? A question that we ask ourselves every day and that motivates us anew every time. Reiner Mantsch just gave one of our most important keynotes on this topic!

TextilWirtschaft had invited the decision makers as well as experts and executives of the German textile industry to talk about current topics and trends in the field of sustainability, discuss open questions and find solutions together. Of course, our co-founders Steffen and Reiner were beyond happy to be part of this inspiring session!

It was nice to see so many familiar faces and to chat again as well as a great opportunity to get to know some more interesting people. We also found the impulses for change in communication regarding sustainability very interesting. For all of you who are thinking about attending next year: We can definitely recommend the Sustainability Summit.

Photo credit: Katharina Dunbo & Cindy Ufer

TextilWirtschaft Sustainability Summit

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